Terms of Service
Advanced Poker Training is a community of players all seeking to improve their poker skills. Simply put, our terms of service disallows any behavior that is abusive to other members, or unfairly uses resources such that other members are hindered in their ability to use the site.
Restricted behaviors include:
- Playing multiple accounts, especially in the Madness Cup tournament.
- Sharing your account with family or friends.
- Attempting to hack or reverse engineer our poker software in any way.
- Attempting to increase one's winnings against the virtual opponents (especially, but not limited to, in the Madness Cup) by reverse engineering the software or using tactics to exploit known or unknown flaws in the software itself.
- Using automated means to play on our site. For example, creating your own poker bot that plays against our bots.
- Being abusive towards other APT members, especially on the APT live server.
Refund requests: All memberships come with a 30-day money-back guarantee, however, only one refund request will be honored per person. At our discretion, refunds may be denied to players who are in violation of our terms of service.
We Value Your Privacy
Simply put, our privacy policy is as follows:
"We value your privacy and will NEVER sell your personal information to ANYONE for ANY REASON. We only collect the information we need to provide you with our product, and we will guard your personal information with utmost security. Your personal information will only be stored on SSL secured servers and we will never store your personal information in hard copy form."
For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically collects no information regarding your domain or e-mail address, except to prevent the abuse of our site or sharing of memberships.
We collect aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations.
With respect to cookies: We use cookies to ensure the appropriate functioning of the game and to ensure we know who our customers are and where they are from so that we can improve our game. We do not use cookies to collect personal information other than to analyze the needs of our users related to the site and do not use the data we collect to serve ads (we do not serve ads on our site). All data we collect is either provided by you directly or in aggregate through Google Analytics.
If you do not want to receive e-mail from us, just let us know. We limit email contact to information directly related to your purpose for registering at our site, such as providing you with login information, information about the products you have purchased, receipts, news about our site or poker, and other information related directly to your activities on our site.
If you supply us with your postal address on-line we will only use it only for the purpose of delivering to you a product you requested. We do not distribute it to anyone else for any reason.
Upon request we provide site visitors with access to unique identifier information (e.g., customer number) that we maintain about them, transaction information (e.g., dates on which customers made purchases, amounts and types of purchases) that we maintain about them, contact information (e.g., name, address, phone number) that we maintain about them , and a description of information that we maintain about them.
Customers can access this information by contacting us or through their training page.
With respect to security: We have appropriate security measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we have collected from you at our site. All information we collect from you is stored on secure servers, and never in hard copy.
With respect to your hand histories: Your hand histories are only viewable by you, excluding the Madness Cup and Madness Duel, which are public contests. Occasionally, we use anonymized hand history data (with your personal information removed) for other business purposes. For example, we may gather statistics about the general playing style of APT users.
If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact The DMA's Committee on Ethical Business Practices, state or local chapters of the Better Business Bureau, state or local consumer protection office or just contact us and we will be happy to discuss it with you. We value your privacy and data security.
Data Deletion Policy
"We will delete your data upon request, including your personal information. Please contact us with your request."
When you contact us using the link above, we will delete all your personal information from our server, including any information we received about you via facebook or google login. We will also respond to your request (via email) within 24 hours, so that you know your data was successfully deleted.
If you would like to delete all your playing history, you can do that on the My Sessions Played page.