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don't be too quick to fold


  • hasenh

    So why didn't you fear one of the raisers had made his flush already on the flop? I would have folded there and then on that basis.

  • mrfleming
    edited March 2019

    @hasen said:
    So why didn't you fear one of the raisers had made his flush already on the flop? I would have folded there and then on that basis.

    I'm always fearful but I had the Ace of diamonds so I was hoping for the nut flush, and possibilities such as filling the straight or pairing my ace. Risky yes, but a calculated risk. My coach was John Horton and he advised against the fold, which made me curious, because like you, I would have been put off by three diamonds on the board. Horton woke me up to all the possible outcomes and so I went for it. I would have never thought about including the possibility of wining with Ace high! Then, afterwards, I decided to analyse with an odds calculator, which reinforced Horton's advice. I don't always find the adviser to be correct but it is good that they make you stop and think.

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