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New feature to RETRY any hand you've played!


We are excited to announce a new RETRY feature in the poker game. This feature allows you to RETRY any hand you play, as many times as you like.

This is different from the REPLAY or VIEW feature, that lets you watch a replay of any hand. The RETRY feature allows you to try the hand over again from the beginning (maybe you want to try out a different strategy?)

Note that, when you RETRY a hand, it is NOT saved to your database. Only the original play of the hand is saved. This way you can practice the hand over as much as you want, without having dozens of copies of the same hand in your database.

To retry a hand, first finish the hand, and then look for the new "Retry Previous Hand" button that pops up in the poker game.

You can also retry any hand from your "My Saved Hands" page. Simply find the hand in your database, and press the red RETRY button next to it. (Note the VIEW button is still available, if you just want to watch a replay).

We hope you enjoy this new feature. You can post any comments or suggestions by replying in this thread. As always, we are grateful to all of our members, because your memberships allow us to do what we love (which is, think about poker all day!)



  • staci2ss

    Great new RETRY feature! Thank you for continuing to advance the training tools available to your users. Getting better every day because of APT!

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