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A couple suggestions


Really enjoying the tools here so far. Still figuring out the best ways to use it.

I think it would be great if you could create your own custom stats out of the data that's stored.

For example, one thing I like to note is the ratio of my postflop calls when I'm ahead or behind, or the ratio of BBs won per hand when the opponent calls when I'm ahead (the value-meter, so to speak).

Also, I would love to be able to pick out hand ranges from a chart for the saved hands filter, instead of entering them individually. (In other words, just highlight all the broadway hands rather than typing AA,KK,QQ, JJ,TT, AKo,AKs, etc.)

Finally, it would be great if you could display your performance grouped by hand, the way you can in most poker tracker sites. For example, see on one row your totals for AA, another row for KK, etc., all on one table. Right now it looks like you have to do them one at a time.

Anyway, great site!


  • AllenBlay

    These are nice suggestions, thank you. We are always updating and changing features, so we will keep these on our list. As you probably can imagine, we get hundreds of feature requests, so we can't do everything. But we will keep these in mind.


  • pokershaman

    @fletcher23 said:

    Also, I would love to be able to pick out hand ranges from a chart for the saved hands filter, instead of entering them individually. (In other words, just highlight all the broadway hands rather than typing AA,KK,QQ, JJ,TT, AKo,AKs, etc.)

    Even supporting Pokerstove notation (e.g. "TT+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, AQo+, KQo") would be extremely useful. It's the industry standard, pretty much everything from Equilab through Flopzilla to most solvers recognize it.

  • mrfleming

    I would like to suggest that you include stats on live play. Being able to analyze live play would be a good training tool.

  • mrfleming

    I would like to be able to enter range strands into the Winning Odds Tool and or pick from ranges I have saved. Thank you, great site.

  • AllenBlay

    Thanks for the suggestions. I don't know if we will be able to do these things, but I will put them down on our list.

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