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WSOP Main Event Hand Analysis: To Fold KK or not to Fold KK?

WSOP Main Event Hand

The WSOP Main Event always provides intriguing hands that generate considerable discussion. In 2017, Vanessa Selbst nearly got away from an Aces full of 7s boat on Day 1. Selbst correctly assessed that Gaelle Baumann had quads, identifying the only other possible holding as A7 of hearts. Selbst struggled for a while, wanting to find […]

James “SplitSuit” Sweeney’s Not Bluffing

Brilliant Bluffing

James “SplitSuit” Sweeney is one of those poker gurus who can make my head hurt… in a good way. In his APT webinar last week, he examined  optimal betting frequencies and value-bet-to-bluff ratios on each street. It made complete sense. Watching him wield Flopzilla to build specific pre-flop ranges to decide specific value hands and bluffs […]

APT’s Combat Trainer has Arrived!

APT Combat Trainer

In the middle of a tournament you defend your big blind to a raise with gapped suited connectors.  You flop your straight draw. Great, you think, but now what do I do? Donk bet into the pre-flop raiser to show strength? Check-raise? Check-call? Check, and see if there is an empty cash table seat because […]

Reflecting on Alex Fitzgerald’s Most Important Thing

Alex Fitzgerald

Alex Fitzgerald likes to keep it simple.  Instead of presenting complex, impossible to remember analyses, he uses analytics to find the essence of successful play. So it probably should not be surprising that his “most important thing” in poker came down to: aggression. Specifically, he recommends taking and keep the betting lead. In his recent […]

Happy New Year to APT Members!

Advanced Poker Training

We at APT wanted to take a moment to wish all of our members a Happy New Year.  We also want to thank you for continuing to be members and adding to the APT community. From sending personal emails, to commenting in our discussion forums, playing in live tournaments, and reading this blog, you all […]

6 Holiday Gift Ideas for the Poker Player


Holiday gift giving is the bane of my existence. To me, the mall at Christmas is like sitting between Mike Matusow and Phil Hellmuth at a poker table. I feel over-matched, and know I am going to feel stupid at some point. I am just hoping a store clerk doesn’t scream “You donkey!” at me. Given […]

The Lessons of Bad Play

Last weekend I put on an epic display of  bad tournament play.  Folding when I should be calling, calling when I should fold, and generally playing with a strategy that I defy anyone to figure out, because I certainly don’t know what the heck I was doing. I had not had a session like that in […]

Does Tournament Size Matter?

TDA Rules for Poker Tournaments

Last Saturday I was faced with a dilemma: I was unable to play my usual 1pm $90 tournament. This tournament has a great structure for such a small buy-in: 30,000 chips, 30 minutes blinds, a nice gradual level and ante progression, and most importantly, it gets between 70 and 120 players. Unfortunately, this week other […]

I Think My Rois Beat Your Valets

Poker’s sprawl in the United States is substantial, with about two-thirds of states having some form of legal card room. Our neighbors to the north are not short of poker options either, with a strong casino presence in several provinces. Of course, some notable Canadians have also turned into pretty good poker players, with Daniel […]

Poker After 50

I tried, as always, to avoid all acknowledgement of my birthday as it came and went this weekend marking the completion of my 52nd year. Fifty-two, at least, is not a notable landmark for anyone, so this birthday was absent any significant fanfare or existential crisis. But as the number aligns with that deck of cards […]

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