It’s that wonderful time of the year! APT is headed to Las Vegas to soak up some great WSOP action. And while we’re there, we’ll be hosting a Meet N Greet for our members. If you’ve ever wanted to meet Steve Blay, APT founder and co-author of From Vietnam to Vegas: How I Won the World Series of Poker Main Event, now is your chance. Jonathan Little will be in attendance as well, along with other special guests. The founders of D&B Publishing will be there, showcasing their catalog of excellent poker books. Paul and I, your APT bloggers, will also be in attendance at the APT Las Vegas Meet N Greet. We’re looking forward to it!
At the Meet N Greet, you can buy copies of From Vietnam to Vegas, ask Steve questions about APT, poker, and life in general, or just hang out and enjoy the appetizers. You can get your picture taken with Steve, Jonathan Little, and other surprise guests. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet other APT members, and strengthen your connection with the Advanced Poker Training community. There will be door prizes, from APT patches and t-shirts, to videos from last year’s hugely successful Secrets of the World Champions seminar, to free memberships to Advanced Poker Training, to Blue Shark Optics poker players eyewear.
[bctt tweet=”Come to the APT Meet N Greet in Las Vegas to hang out with founder Steve Blay, pro Jonathan Little, and the founders of D&B Publishing” username=”PokerTraining”]
The Meet N Greet is taking place in the Gold Coast Resort, right next door to the Rio. It will last from 1pm to 3pm on Saturday June 30th. Afterwards, those interested in playing a little poker will travel over to the Rio to enter the $200 WSOP Daily Deepstack event. We’re looking forward to meeting as many of you as we can. Don’t miss this exciting APT event!
You can register for the APT Las Vegas Meet N Greet here. Tickets are only $20 for members, and include unlimited appetizers and a drink ticket along with admission to the event. Hurry because the event is limited to 50 people and it is selling out fast!
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